Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Sharon Lustbader Scholarship

E X C E L S I O R!

The Broome Street Review, in collaboration with Midwood Public High School at Brooklyn College, is proud to present the Sharon Lustbader Scholarship. 

Let me premier this incredible endeavor by introducing its namesake: Sharon Lustbader is the cornerstone of Midwood High School's young literati. She is, for hundreds and hundreds of students, a foundation of cosmopolitanism--not only intellectually and spiritually, but sartorially. 

No heel is too high, so long as the stay is reliable. 

You may or may not understand this Confucian wisdom--but you must understand that Mrs. Lustbader constancy, intelligence, wit and beauty continues to inspire and cultivate young artists and individuals. As well, it is worth noting, that she has not aged a day past twenty-three. 

H O W    D O S T    T H I S    W O R K ?

Good question! The Sharon Lustbader Scholarship is available to NYC Public High School seniors. Applications are available via the link below. Send one piece of poetry, fiction or creative non-fiction to broomestreetreview@gmail.com with the application or an equivalent cover letter. We will review each of the pieces, select a winner and publish hir work in the upcoming issue of the Broome Street Review. As well, during the Spring Award ceremony, the winner will be presented with the $250 scholarship. It ain't much--but it's somethin'!

W H Y ?

Not since F. D. Roosevelt, the WPA and the Federal Writers's Project has there been such incredible opportunity for writers--Today, with at least 800 accredited creative writing programs, opportunity is available for young and aspiring writers who are serious and disciplined in the craft. The writer's life has been described in many ways, but there is no singular path to being or becoming a writer. This is, perhaps, one of the greatest challenges in a writer's life--this immensity of freedom and becoming. A dedication to the understanding of language opens doors in places we hardly imagine--to communicate, and well, is one of the most useful and enjoyable skills one can develop. It is our hope that this scholarship and publication, in the spirit of Mrs. Lustbader, is a boon for you!

 W H E N ?

Selection for TBSR no. 5 will begin, officially, in January of 2012.

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